PhotoShoots-Etc Survey

Hi Everyone:

Thanks for participating in the LAA Soccer Photo Shoots.  If you have any concerns about your order please contact Gary Johnson directly – do not call LAA.  I can be reached at 314-495-8754 or via email at

We are also very interested in your impressions of how we performed.  We are only in business thanks to YOU – the customer.  Below is a short survey requesting your feedback.  Please click on a rating to the right of each question using the scale of 1-5 noted below (1 = Excellent; 5 = Poor).  There is also an open text field to type in additional comments.  When you are completed, be sure to click on the “submit” button to send the survey.

Thanks for your feedback and we look forward to serving you again!

Gary, Sara, Solveig & Jason – your PhotoShoots-Etc Team

  • 1 = Excellent / Yes
  • 2 = Very Good
  • 3 = good / Okay
  • 4 = Marginal
  • 5 = Poor / No
Survey Questions
1. Did you find our web site and downloads to be helpful? 
2. Did you feel communication ahead of time was adequate?
3. Overall, was your team appointment experience good?
4. Did your appointment start and end at the designated time?
5. Was the indoors environment conducive to your photo session?
6. How would you rate our staff for being courteous and helpful?
7. Were your questions and concerns addressed effectively?
8. How would you rate the quality of our photos & templates?
9. Taking into consideration the cost of our products and the quality &service delivered, do you consider this a good value?
10. What is your overall rating of your player’s photo experience?
Comments on the above or other areas:


We would expect these surveys to be anonymous.  However, if you would like a member of our staff to contact you, please provide your name and an email address below.
